Anya Crescam


Anya is an Osteopath who is also experienced in Neuro-structural integration (NST), deep tissue and manual lymphatic massage and cupping.

If you get back, neck or shoulder pain or tension, it's a very likely sign that your body is not in correct alignment.

Osteopathy focuses on restoring alignment to your neck, back and limbs and support you in achieving better movement, co-ordination, strength and endurance - depending on your goals for movement, activity, and living pain-free! Your treatment will draw on deep tissue, myofascial release, gentle osteopathic adjustment methods and rehab exercises (to do at home).

At your initial consultation, Anya takes time to understand your health history and goals and preferences for your treatment, perform orthopedic testing, referral for x-ray or MRI imaging (if required) and your initial treatment on the day. To allow the most time for treatment, we'll discuss your treatment plan at your follow-up session. Your treatment plan takes you beyond treating the symptoms, to re-educate your body to maintain good alignment.